Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Power of Positive Prayer

Cool story to share that exemplifies the power of positive prayer.

My wife lost her phone on Monday night at the Miami Heat game.  If anyone has ever misplaced their phone, you can attest to the anxiety it provokes.  My wife was sure she had left it back in the car, which sort of calmed us both down.  After the game we get to the car and search frantically for the phone but could not find it.

Thankfully it's an iPhone so we were able to locate it with the GPS from my phone.  However, the phone was back inside the arena.  After the games they flush everyone out and lock down the place so no one can re-enter.  We managed to negotiate our way back in via the security guard but we could not find the phone around our seats or in the places we visited in the arena.  We knew it was inside the arena but had no clue where because the GPS became spotty inside there.

We left home empty handed.  I was starting to think the phone was  lost and was honestly giving up hope of finding it.  That's when my wife smacked some positive sense back into me and told me she was determined to find it and that she "knew" the phone would appear.  Here I am Mr. Positive Pete and now needing the advice I dole out.  We all need to refocus every now and again.  Once I saw her confidence, I was determined to apply the power of positive thinking and prayer to find the phone.

The next day I woke up and tracked the phone, I noticed it had moved from the arena to a house a few miles from there.  I went to the police and tried to get them to visit the house to retrieve my phone but they declined to do that, even with the GPS evidence in hand.  I refused to file a worthless police report if they weren't even going to act on it.  I was certainly not going to visit the house and act like a hero either.  Here again my faith in staying positive, was tested.

I told my wife, forget it, just cancel the phone and give it up.  It's not worth it, we can get a new one for a couple hundred bucks.  Here again my faith in finding the phone wavered a bit.  She said we should not cancel it because we needed to continue tracking it on the GPS, she said "we will FIND IT!"  This time, I was going to commit wholeheartedly to the process and join her on this mission to locate the phone.

I was sending messages to the phone, offering a $75 reward.  Whoever had it, must certainly have been seeing the messages because the phone gets locked and all you're able to see are the messages with a call back number.  Still no one would respond.  I called the phone like a psycho ex-girlfriend, yet no one would answer.  What seemed odd is that they charged the phone and didn't bother to turn it off to prevent anyone from tracking it.

I'm currently reading a book by Neville Goddard that has given me much insights into positive prayer and making your desires a reality.

              "It is not what you want that you attract; you attract what you believe to be true."

I wanted the phone to appear, yet deep inside my subconscious mind, I didn't really believe someone would actually return a $600 phone.  All my previous experiences led me to believe that people would never return something expensive that they found on the floor.  Yesterday, I reflected on the Neville quote above and started to convince myself to believe that the phone could actually appear.  I literally forced myself to believe it would appear, I wanted to get to the point where I would "know" it would appear.

" must assume the feeling of the fulfillment of your desire until you are possessed by it and this feeling crowds all other ideas out of your consciousness."

If you really want something, when you get it, you should reach an emotional peak of sorts. By imagining the feeling of receiving what you wish, you can concentrate on this feeling and amplify it until the only thing you are aware of is this wonderful feeling of the wish fulfilled.  With that said, I closed my eyes and began to imagine meeting up with the individual who had my phone and I pictured myself giving them a monetary reward for returning my phone in good condition.  I began to feel the sensation of having the phone in my hands, I felt how it would weigh and I could feel it's texture.  I then open my eyes and said "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for finding my phone!"  With that short prayer, I released it and all of sudden felt a sense of peace, a sense of knowing that the phone would be found.

I woke up this morning, checked the GPS and saw the phone had moved around so I decided to give it a ring.  To my surprise, a gentleman picked up and told me he would return the phone.  I tracked him down and met him in a "very public" place.  I am not going to lie, there was a sense of fear in me, not knowing what to expect and who this person was.  Then I just played out the image of what I had pictured yesterday, the whole scenery of how I would retrieve my phone.  Suddenly the fear left and again a sense of knowing hit me.

I met the guy, got the phone and gave him his reward.  Before he left, we both said "God Bless" to each other....almost at the same time, like a synchronistic exclamation point to this spiritual learning experience.  In the past, I would have gotten extremely upset about losing a phone.  I would have given up or complained about the system for not going after the individual.  In the past I would have led with negativity, doubting and fearing the worst.  Every time I've gone down the road of negativity, the results never came or weren't what I expected.  This time I decided to trust the process, trust the universe and apply all this positive stuff I preach.  The proof is in the pudding.  The results came this time, with less effort and reduced anxiety.

The next time you want to resort to negativity and complaining, stop yourself as quickly as you can!  Try to pray, and "assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled" so that you can begin to experience the magic in your life too.

1 comment:

  1. I need to practice on this skill....practice it a lot and be sincere about it!!!
